The Best Paint Colors for 2020

2020 is in full swing! We spoke with Paintzen to share our favorite paint trends for this year. We anticipate the industrial minimalist style with the pure whites and light grays becoming less mainstream; rather, weโ€™ll see an embrace for warmth as depth, achieved through paint and strategic lighting. 

Accent walls using deep shades, such as Sheffield Gray (PPG1041-6) or Royal Hunter Green (PPG1133-7), combined with strategic lighting create a soft and rich ambiance. Adding warm metal tones can add an elegant and regal effect. 

A more neutral shade like the warm Gray Marble (PPG1002-4) could be used to make large rooms more cozy alongside darker wood tones or rich-colored fabrics.

Check out other designer selections here: Paintzen's Best Paint Colors for 2020!

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